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Essential shoulder exercises for tennis players

Here's a quick shoulder exercise routine you can do before or after tennis

All you'll need is a resistance band and something to loop it through, like the net or a chain link fence. Three sets of 15 reps of each exercise with each arm is a good place to start.

Internal rotation

Start with your elbow just above your wrist, tight in against the body. Your forearm will be perpendicular to your torso, then rotate your shoulder inward, bringing your hand across your body. Be sure to keep the elbow in close to your body and don't use your whole arm to do the exercise. Try to isolate the small muscles in the shoulder for optimal benefit.

External rotation

Same starting position with the elbow as the internal rotation, tight in against the body right above waist height. Start with your forearm rotated inward up against your torso, and rotate the shoulder outward until you get perpendicular to your torso (full range of motion). Be sure once again to keep the elbow in close and isolate the small muscles of the rotator cuff.

External rotation at 90 degrees

Start with your upper arm parallel to the ground at shoulder height and your forearm rotated outward at a 90 degree angle. It should look like you are throwing a punch. Using your elbow as a hinge, rotate your arm so that your fist points upward toward the sky. Try not to move your elbow and use only your shoulder muscles (not your whole arm) to complete the exercise.

These basic shoulder exercises will help build strength in the rotator cuff muscles, better stabilizing the shoulder joint and reducing the risk of injury. They are also great to do before play as a warm up.

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